after all, i DID say this was supposed to be a no frills operation, so posts should be on the fly and be a breezy (friends refernce) event, right?
i guess its good to start at the basics. why did i start this blog in the first place? well, its because i am obsessed with eating, and therefore food, and food related things, and so on and so on.
and why i am obsessed with eating? its a little thing i like to call breakfast. i LOOOOOOOVE breakfast foods. now i am not talking about packets of oatme

that is not to say that you can't have these foods in the privacy of your own home. but it's my feel
ing that its just not the same when your favorite (insert cultural background of your choice here) cook makes it for you at the local breakfast nook. it might also have to do with the fact that every breakfast food item is cooked in butter. butter makes everything better. or it may be the fact that it's too much to cook all this stuff on your own and its nice to be lazy and have someone else do it for you.

if i am talking about my love for breakfast, i inadvertently have to talk about my love for brunch. brunch = brunch + lunch. the funny thing is, i never eat the available lunch items and always order the breakfast stuff (see above ramble why). but here are just some of the reasons that brunch is such a darn good idea:
- Compliments of Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City: "There are very few things this New Yorker loves as much as Sunday brunch. You can sleep until noon and still get eggs anywhere in the city, alcohol is often included with the meal" Need I say more?
- The breakfast food staples are often given in a fancy version: Raspberry Cream Stuffed French Toast, Caramelized Chocolate Banana Waffles, Caramelized Onion Corned Beef Hash Cake, Eggs Benedict etc.
- Two words: Brunch Buffet. Again, need I say more? A perfect opportunity to be a gluton with no judgement because hey, everyone else is doing it.
- Because Brunch usually only happens on the weekends, its not something you can get everyday, so you have something to look forward to.
i think you get the picture. because i go out of my way to eat breakfast/brunch foods when i am out, the majority of my blogs will be about these types of places, so i figured the smart thing to do is explain right from the get-go that my true love of eating comes from breakfast foods. while a lot of the places i will write about are situated in the tri state area (primarily in queens, long island, and nyc), this blog will give me motivation to venture more frequently to other boroughs and places to broaden my palate. bon appetit! (how cliche to end with that in a blog about food?)