well, first off, must address the pink elephant in the room. for the second time (aka back from the black hole blog post) it's been close to two years since i have posted on this blog. what happened? well life happened, my crazy, crazy life happened. and some sleep in between of course. however, i WILL say that this blog made no promises on frequency of posts and such. so i do still have some street cred since i did put a disclaimer from the get-go (i.e. on the basics of the blog section on the right-> ). and i quote "the sequence of my blog will have no rhyme or reason. i might write about "real time" stuff, but then i might write about something that happened months or even years ago."
good thing i wrote "even years ago", or else i would've been SOL. let's be serious, who is really stalking my blog daily anyway.
so in my almost 2 year hiatus, i finally caved and joined the cool kids by getting an iPhone. apparently one of the best things to happen to a foodie because it made me grow deeper into foodiedom. you know you got issues when half of your apps are related to food. here's the rundown on all my food related apps:
restaurant search essentials (in no particular order):
yelp- yes. so that girl who heavily relies on a yelp review.
groupon - my student budget mind still exists. best thing to ever happen to james. $6 for $10 worth of food at barebuger...sign me up!
time out ny- quite possibly my favorite app. searches your location and gives you their top picks for arts, music/nightlife, eat, drink, and free/cheap. only works in the boroughs, so that's when yelp comes in handy.
open table-when you decide 6 beers deep (remember i'm 30 now, don't judge on the low beer count) that you want to eat a fancy wall street steakhouse (AF that was for you...)
tweat.it- searches your location and gives you the closest food truck. whatever food trucks are so ecoli status but i still love them and i don't care
when other foodies stalk what others are doing:
foodlily- recipes shared by users that links you to the original recipe's site
foodspotting- instagram that is food focused
untappd- you think it's annoying when people check into places on fb (i'm one of them, who checks in that is), wait until you see them "check into" every beer they drink
what are your faves??? what will you get me hooked on??? besides phonics...